Veggie Table Prince Tangled Up In Blue From Porgy to Barack Merely Mammalian Magnetism

Contributing to exchange portfolios, as a habit, began in 2001 when I attended Southern Graphic Council’s conference in Austin, Texas. Having taught printmaking in Sacramento, California for twenty years at that point, it was my first trip to an out of state conference aimed exclusively at printmakers.

What a revelation! There were thousands of us. Southwestern University hosted an exhibition of Indiana alumni and over a table of nineteen, plans were laid for an ambitious portfolio for the following year’s conference. Larry Schuh coordinated the project and incorporated high-quality binding and an array of artists responding to the theme: Taboo X/ Forbidden Worlds, Prohibitive Actions, Unacceptable Things.

In the following years I began organizing portfolios with an eye to producing projects as handsome and visually rewarding as Larry’s. I did not, however, shoot for editions as large as the Taboo X portfolio. In fact, I had my shoulder repaired shortly after completing my edition of 45 prints based on the affair between Jefferson and Sally Hemmings. Given the nine colors printed and the number of impressions along the way, I focused my prtfolios on quality—and rambunctiousness—rather than quantity.

The images below are a sampling of portfolios that I have organized, and will be joined by those organized by fellow printmakers in the next few months.


Tangled Up In Blue/Tied To The Mast Box Tangled Up In Blue/Tied To The Mast Interior > <  

Tangled Up In Blue/Tied To The Mast Box Tangled Up In Blue/Tied To The Mast Interior Tangled Up In Blue/Tied To The Mast Prints > <  

Photo by: John Driesbach Photo by: John Driesbach Photo by: John Driesbach > <  

Merely Mammilian Box Inside of Merely Mammilian Box Collection of Merely Mammilian Magnets Merely Mammilian Magnets Displayed On Fridge > <  


John Driesbach and his wife, Jan, live in Akron, Ohio. He grew up with the smells of an intaglio studio pervading the house. David, his father, is easily found online and is well known for his prints (most) executed in etching and engraving. One early memory is the smell of kerosene soaked sawdust favored by etchers to clean their plates and seen as toxic rocket fuel in today’s world.

John first encountered lithography in 1968 while a student at Northern Illinois University. The more senior students were “playing” with grease-soaked objects such as gloves found in the street. It was a great place to start.

He was fortunate to attend graduate school at Indiana University along with a small group of printmakers who he sees from time to time after all these years. Portfolios, such as those in this web site are a manifestation of those encounters.

John can be reached via email at